Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well. T'was an uneventful day to say the least. I mean, sure I learned a lot, but I didn't do much today. I went to the dentist with Simon in the middle of the day, which was alright. I'm not one of those people who despises going to the dentist, and I don't really understand why people get all freakish about the dentist either. I don't know if I'm lucky per say to have never had an issue with my dentist. Maybe its because my dentist doesn't look like this scary ass guy.

Cleanin yo' teeth and shit.
I'm sorry. Is this real? Do people out there actually do this? Forget pedophiles/rapists/clowns. This is like. The epitome of freaky people. I feel like this guy feels like he needs to jazz up his life in every way possible. Ontop of that, by that vengeful look in his beady eyes I feel like he'd also be the kind of guy to be pissed if his hygenists werent wearing the same stupid facemasks.
On Fridays we wear crazy ties, don't *#$^ing make me tell you again.
On a bit of a lighter note, I would like to make mention to Cam's stupid special moment of the day. This moment is brought to you by the letter P for password. Well, Cam thought he'd be funny the other night and change my password to "Rebecca Smells" to log into my laptop, and after a while of struggling, I finally got on. It was pretty funny I admit, and I got a laugh out of it, however, today was not so amusing, as he changed the password, but forgot what he changed it to!

This doesn't make any sense. That's why I chose it

Oh well. At least 'tis fixed. He's still cute and such, and I still love him anyway :) Also brought to you by the letter P is Paige Smitiuch. I miss her, and I felt you should know.

My photos are really taking forever to load, and I'm working on it!


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