I don't really know what to say about myself.
Ok. Thats a lie, I do.
Over time I've sort of developed a kind of set script. Its sort of organized by the things that people seem to be most interested in about me.
A little bit about myself?
Well, I'm a second degree black belt in Taekwondo,
I own a hedgehog,
I like to take pictures
and I play the Ukulele
I rarely gets past those things without being stopped, and pestered further about 'em. Which I'm okay with of course, cause I'm really passionate about them. Thats why I get super excited when people push further to get to know me. I think thats part of the reason I fell in love with my boyfriend, really.That's what really drew me to him, he always has, and always will want to know more.
We had been rather decent friends all through high school. I used to date a guy he played hockey with in the ninth grade, and after recieving a 16 game suspension for punching a referee in the face, I knew this was the kind of guy I was going to become friends with. 4 years and close to 150 chess games later, the two of us are inseperable, and theres nothing in the world I would change about that. I guess if you got to know me a little more, you would learn that I've become obsessive about chess within the past 3 months. After going to a rockshow at the Roxxy in Acton with Cam, we stumbled upon a little chess set in a cozy cafe. I ...humbly... proclaimed that I was a 'freaking chessmaster' and that he would be 'utterly stupid' if he thought he stood a chance against me in a game of chess. So he won the first match.
I let him off easy. My mom told me some old proverb of sorts that you truly become a master at something once you've practiced for 10,000 hours. I'm pretty sure if you work it out, Cam's pretty close at becoming a master. That's something I learned about him too. Once he becomes passionate about something, he doesn't let it go. I admire it. A lot.
Bible verse of the blog.
Luke 8:4-15
Because it's totally appropriate.
I'll post soon or something like that.
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