Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Before going to bed, I was a little skeptical about the whole snow-day idea for today. No snow had really hit the ground before I went to bed- and I didn’t even go to bed that early. Needless to say I’m rather pleased that it was here when I woke up, and that my pillow vibrated at 6:09
“School called, everything’s closed. Sleeeeeeeeeeeep<3”
At first I thought it was some sort of joke, I hadn’t realized the amount of snow that had fallen overnight...and also it would have been a stupidly cruel joke. According to the Canadian metric, in those short hours we experienced some heavy snowfall. ( ). I’ve really only been tobogganing once this winter unfortunately, I guess I’ll catch up on that today, considering Simon is home from school as well. I was going to go outside and do Mom a favour by shovelling the snow, but it appears as if my new neighbours have done some of it for us, which is awesome, but borderline surprising, because I think they think I’m crazy. I sort of do this thing when I’m waiting for Cam to come pick me up, where I get all ready, and then watch the window to see if he turns the bend so I can come outside so that he doesn’t have to park the car and come get me. Normal enough I presume, however, when Cam drives like Granny Garbonzo, there are times when I’m waiting at the door for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. So I start with a little head tilt, but eventually my eyes just glaze over and I mean I’ve never actually looked at myself while I’m doing it, but I figure it looks something like this...

"Hurry up Cam, the movies starting in 10 minutes!"
I kid you not though, once I snap out of this animal like phase, my next door neighbour- mind you, he only moved in about a month ago- is always always always there! I almost feel bad. It probally looks like I belong in some sort of an insane asylum. Oh well.

Something cool I did today, I caught up with an old friend. The thing about catching up with old friends I find, is that sometimes it can get super awkward... kind of like this

Yeah... How about them Blue Jays....
The fact that we sort of had a history together sort of adds as a catalyst-for-awkward in a situation like that. I'm pleased that it wasn't awkward. Well I mean who wouldnt be, but regardless it was actually really really nice. In all honesty, I'm surprised I didn't inflict any sort of awkward...maybe I did...Ooh. This is awkward...

If I do anything cool today, I will write again.
I might do something cool today, I'll write later.
Maybe I'll post something later
I'll post by the end of the day.

1 Timothy 4:8
I super like this one because Cam has it tattoo'ed on his deltoid shoulder.
I need to stop doing that stupid kinesiology workbook.

<Still looking for some sort of signoff>

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