Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Well. T'was an uneventful day to say the least. I mean, sure I learned a lot, but I didn't do much today. I went to the dentist with Simon in the middle of the day, which was alright. I'm not one of those people who despises going to the dentist, and I don't really understand why people get all freakish about the dentist either. I don't know if I'm lucky per say to have never had an issue with my dentist. Maybe its because my dentist doesn't look like this scary ass guy.

Cleanin yo' teeth and shit.
I'm sorry. Is this real? Do people out there actually do this? Forget pedophiles/rapists/clowns. This is like. The epitome of freaky people. I feel like this guy feels like he needs to jazz up his life in every way possible. Ontop of that, by that vengeful look in his beady eyes I feel like he'd also be the kind of guy to be pissed if his hygenists werent wearing the same stupid facemasks.
On Fridays we wear crazy ties, don't *#$^ing make me tell you again.
On a bit of a lighter note, I would like to make mention to Cam's stupid special moment of the day. This moment is brought to you by the letter P for password. Well, Cam thought he'd be funny the other night and change my password to "Rebecca Smells" to log into my laptop, and after a while of struggling, I finally got on. It was pretty funny I admit, and I got a laugh out of it, however, today was not so amusing, as he changed the password, but forgot what he changed it to!

This doesn't make any sense. That's why I chose it

Oh well. At least 'tis fixed. He's still cute and such, and I still love him anyway :) Also brought to you by the letter P is Paige Smitiuch. I miss her, and I felt you should know.

My photos are really taking forever to load, and I'm working on it!



Before going to bed, I was a little skeptical about the whole snow-day idea for today. No snow had really hit the ground before I went to bed- and I didn’t even go to bed that early. Needless to say I’m rather pleased that it was here when I woke up, and that my pillow vibrated at 6:09
“School called, everything’s closed. Sleeeeeeeeeeeep<3”
At first I thought it was some sort of joke, I hadn’t realized the amount of snow that had fallen overnight...and also it would have been a stupidly cruel joke. According to the Canadian metric, in those short hours we experienced some heavy snowfall. ( ). I’ve really only been tobogganing once this winter unfortunately, I guess I’ll catch up on that today, considering Simon is home from school as well. I was going to go outside and do Mom a favour by shovelling the snow, but it appears as if my new neighbours have done some of it for us, which is awesome, but borderline surprising, because I think they think I’m crazy. I sort of do this thing when I’m waiting for Cam to come pick me up, where I get all ready, and then watch the window to see if he turns the bend so I can come outside so that he doesn’t have to park the car and come get me. Normal enough I presume, however, when Cam drives like Granny Garbonzo, there are times when I’m waiting at the door for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. So I start with a little head tilt, but eventually my eyes just glaze over and I mean I’ve never actually looked at myself while I’m doing it, but I figure it looks something like this...

"Hurry up Cam, the movies starting in 10 minutes!"
I kid you not though, once I snap out of this animal like phase, my next door neighbour- mind you, he only moved in about a month ago- is always always always there! I almost feel bad. It probally looks like I belong in some sort of an insane asylum. Oh well.

Something cool I did today, I caught up with an old friend. The thing about catching up with old friends I find, is that sometimes it can get super awkward... kind of like this

Yeah... How about them Blue Jays....
The fact that we sort of had a history together sort of adds as a catalyst-for-awkward in a situation like that. I'm pleased that it wasn't awkward. Well I mean who wouldnt be, but regardless it was actually really really nice. In all honesty, I'm surprised I didn't inflict any sort of awkward...maybe I did...Ooh. This is awkward...

If I do anything cool today, I will write again.
I might do something cool today, I'll write later.
Maybe I'll post something later
I'll post by the end of the day.

1 Timothy 4:8
I super like this one because Cam has it tattoo'ed on his deltoid shoulder.
I need to stop doing that stupid kinesiology workbook.

<Still looking for some sort of signoff>

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I called this blog post "seed" because I figured that this has to start somewhere. You never know with the life of a seed. Some grow to be super pretty flowers, some get eaten by birds, and you know, others are just thrown out the window and turn into giant friggan beanstalks. I don't really know where I'm going with this blog, similarily to the seed.

I don't really know what to say about myself.
Ok. Thats a lie, I do.

Over time I've sort of developed a kind of set script. Its sort of organized by the things that people seem to be most interested in about me.

A little bit about myself?
Well, I'm a second degree black belt in Taekwondo,
 I own a hedgehog,
I like to take pictures
 and I play the Ukulele

I rarely gets past those things without being stopped, and pestered further about 'em. Which I'm okay with of course, cause I'm really passionate about them. Thats why I get super excited when people push further to get to know me. I think thats part of the reason I fell in love with my boyfriend, really.That's what really drew me to him, he always has, and always will want to know more.

We had been rather decent friends all through high school. I used to date a guy he played hockey with in the ninth grade, and after recieving a 16 game suspension for punching a referee in the face, I knew this was the kind of guy I was going to become friends with. 4 years and close to 150 chess games later, the two of us are inseperable, and theres nothing in the world I would change about that. I guess if you got to know me a little more, you would learn that I've become obsessive about chess within the past 3 months. After going to a rockshow at the Roxxy in Acton with Cam, we stumbled upon a little chess set in a cozy cafe. I ...humbly... proclaimed that I was a 'freaking chessmaster' and that he would be 'utterly stupid' if he thought he stood a chance against me in a game of chess. So he won the first match.
first few matches.
I let him off easy. My mom told me some old proverb of sorts that you truly become a master at something once you've practiced for 10,000 hours. I'm pretty sure if you work it out, Cam's pretty close at becoming a master. That's something I learned about him too. Once he becomes passionate about something, he doesn't let it go. I admire it. A lot.

Bible verse of the blog.
Luke 8:4-15
Because it's totally appropriate.

I'll post soon or something like that.